That Rundown Feeling
On my way back to the car, a young girl, in a new to her car, ran into me. Knocked me on my rear, major point of impact was my left knee, which is sore as can be at the moment and hurts like heck.
So I have been sittin' and knittin' mostly the last 2 days.
I got my computer back but when I went to hook it up discovered that in changing the motherboard he had failed to notice, (or do anything about) the fact that the network card was on the old motherboard. So I have been cut off from the world! OH DRAT!!
Obviously that is an bit of an overstatement since I am managing to post a blog entry, but I am still using the kid's computer, which is very slow, has a non-ergonomic keyboard, and is on a too-high table.
Yes I could move the whole thing, but then what would I complain about?
Learning to hobble around with a cane is a learning experience. The first night I really needed it and since we had it, I adjusted the height and started using it.
Things I have learned about using a cane: (your mileage may vary)
1) arms were not intended to support over weight people, they get sore pretty fast.
2) you need to move very slowly, and make sure where the weight is distributed before moving.
3) the first thing you need for bathroom visits is a place to put the cane where it will not fall over, and out of your reach, so that when you have finished what you went in there for, you don't need to sit and yell for other family members who will come to the door and shout at you through it, but not open it because yuck "you're in there" or stand and laugh at you while making "I've fallen and I can't get up" remarks that they find enormously funny. At least this is what you go through if you have my family.
4)you can't carry nearly as much as you usually can, and don't want to make unnecessary trips so you plan carefully before you move.
4 a) pockets are nice.
All in all I am sure as time goes on I will appreciate this small tutorial and find it useful, but right now it is a pain in the ....Knee.
Back to knitting, I have Taa Daaa finished Christopher's FLAK, and if he makes it home this weekend (still iffy when I talked to him yesterday) he can have it to wear to the Irene Ryan competitions because one just has to do better in a hand knit sweater, made specially for you.
Christopher is not home so Sierra is the model it looks like some of the knitting magazine pictures, without the sleeves pushed up to show her hands.
Once this was being blocked I went back to Beadwork. And have finished the top of the fronts, and picked up the sleeve and started the top sleeve portion, finished 1 repeat of chart A. I have somewhat mixed feelings about chart A. I don't think it shows as well as I would like it to. Oh well it is at least easy to do and I don't need to carry a pattern or chart around for the sleeves. the sleeves from the bottom of the front armhole to the bottom of the back armhole is chart A, except for the one chart B running down from the saddle. The underarm is going to be seed stitch when I get another inch or so done and cast that on.