The Fiber Artist

Wow, that sounds pretentious doesn't it. But it is the name of my company, so I decided to use it. This is where I will keep a record of works in progress in the hope that it will result in more productivity. It will also give me a place to ramble on about my life, so that maybe later I will remember what happened in ___ (fill in day, month, year of your choice).

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Knitting with Kindles

I have 2 kindles, I tried using the kindles to read patterns when I got the first one but a pdf transferred to the Kindle shows up so small that one must enlarge and then scroll constantly.  Not acceptable.

 But if you download and install a pdf converter. I use: K2pdfopt so after running the electronic copy of the pattern below through the program I up-load it to dropbox and open it on the Kindle and it is the correct size for use.  I will go make socks now.


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