The Fiber Artist

Wow, that sounds pretentious doesn't it. But it is the name of my company, so I decided to use it. This is where I will keep a record of works in progress in the hope that it will result in more productivity. It will also give me a place to ramble on about my life, so that maybe later I will remember what happened in ___ (fill in day, month, year of your choice).

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sewing mostly

 First look at what is almost finished. This is Waltham from Knitting plus, which I have been working on much too long, and even though I was sure I would finish this weekend, I ran out of yarn, so thanks to a kind raveler I have more on the way to me but it won't be here until next week so no Waltham this week.

I did finally finish Trip Trap, and once I have its buttons sewn on I'll get a picture.

but what I have mostly been working on is Curtains:

There are curtains in the living room along with the new furniture,  

Carls new chair

 Then my chair in the living room Then my chair in my office (they are just alike even though they look different in the pictures) The second picture is closer to the proper color they are burgandy.

The Kitchen curtains

more kitchen curtains

bay window curtains

The bathroom curtains

The downstairs (spare) bedroom curtains

The only upstairs room finished the west front (Christopher's) side window

And the front window on the west side

And the east front window

A closeup of Christopher's curtains

The Spare Room

The Living room

the kitchen

And the bathroom curtains.
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