The Fiber Artist

Wow, that sounds pretentious doesn't it. But it is the name of my company, so I decided to use it. This is where I will keep a record of works in progress in the hope that it will result in more productivity. It will also give me a place to ramble on about my life, so that maybe later I will remember what happened in ___ (fill in day, month, year of your choice).

Monday, July 07, 2014

Tour de Fleece - day 3

This is the Schacht at the start of the day.  Bobbin totally empty.

And at the end of the day the bobbin was full of gray Romney.
The CPW at the beginning of the day, and at the end of the day it had a half full bobbin of white Romney.

The Lendrum started with an empty bobbin and ended the day with a full bobbin of Garnet Merino/Silk.
The empty spindle at the beginning of the day filled with green cotton.


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