The Fiber Artist

Wow, that sounds pretentious doesn't it. But it is the name of my company, so I decided to use it. This is where I will keep a record of works in progress in the hope that it will result in more productivity. It will also give me a place to ramble on about my life, so that maybe later I will remember what happened in ___ (fill in day, month, year of your choice).

Friday, January 10, 2014

Spinning for sweaters

Rambouillet singles
 When I go to Fiber Fairs, I am disappointed more often than not, because I am not interested in buying only 4 ounces of fiber.  I want 2 pounds if it is processed, and more if not.  So I have settled on just buying fleeces and processing them myself.  This is a Rambouillet fleece that I bought some time ago, I washed it then took it over to Ohio Valley Natural fibers and had it carded, put it into a storage bin and let it sit.  Since I had such fun doing the Jacob/Romney fleeces, I grabbed the next bin off the stack and started spinning this.  It is spun woolen, long-draw and I have 9 bobbins so far and about 1/4 to 1/3 of the fleece to go.

3 plied using the tensioning box that Carl made for me for Christmas.

First plied bobbin

 This is the first of the plied yarn.  Plied on the Roberta.

This is the amount of singles left on the first 3 bobbins. 
First skein 228 yards.


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